- Home
- Library
- About Healey Library
- Departments
Archives and Special Collections | Circulation | Collections and Scholarly Communications | Curriculum Resource Collection | Engagement and Advancement | Library Administration | Library Systems and Discovery Services | Office of the University Librarian | Resource Sharing and Document Delivery (InterLibrary Loan)| Reference, Outreach, and Instruction | Technical Services
Archives and Special Collections
University Archives and Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at the University of Massachusetts Boston was established in 1981 as a repository to collect archival material in subject areas of interest to the university, as well as the records of the university itself.
The mission and history of the University of Massachusetts Boston guide the collection policies of University Archives and Special Collections, with the university’s urban mission and strong support of community service reflected in the records of and related to urban planning, social welfare, social action, alternative movements, community organizations, war and social consequence, and local history related to neighboring communities.
At present, University Archives and Special Collections is particularly interested in expanding its collections related to the Boston Harbor Islands and Boston bicycling history.
There are a number of ways for faculty, students, and community members to get involved with University Archives and Special Collections programs and initiatives, from assistance with collections management and building, to work with the nationally-recognized Mass. Memories Road Show program, to scheduling class visits or assignments related to historical archival materials and primary sources as part of academic coursework.
To carry out its mission, University Archives and Special Collections is committed to working with, promoting, and assisting community archives in the Greater Boston area through facilitating cross-organization collaboration and access to informational, educational, and practical resources relevant to archival procedures and best practices.
For more information, visit blogs.xiaoneizhi.com/archives.
Selected Resources
- Archival and Manuscript Collections: Finding Aids
- Digital Collections
- Mass. Memories Road Show Collection
- William Joiner Institute Collections
- ScholarWorks
The Archives Research Room is available by appointment to view archival collections, Special Collections books, and theses and dissertations. Appointments are available between 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday - Thursday. Archivists also provide remote services. Email library.archives@xiaoneizhi.com for assistance.
- Meghan Bailey
Processing Archivist
meghan.bailey@xiaoneizhi.com - Patricia L. Bruttomesso
Archival Collections Project Manager
patricia.bruttomesso@xiaoneizhi.com - Andrew Elder
University Archivist and Curator of Special Collections
andrew.elder@xiaoneizhi.com - Carolyn Goldstein
Public History and Community Archives Program Manager
carolyn.goldstein@xiaoneizhi.com - Jessica Holden
Associate University Archivist for Research Services
jessica.holden@xiaoneizhi.com - Joanne Riley
Digital Initiatives Archivist
joanne.riley@xiaoneizhi.com - Jessica Snodgrass
Research Services Coordinator
Collections and Scholarly Communications
Collections and Scholarly Communications handles faculty and students requests for, as well as questions about, new resources: books, videos, journals, databases, etc. We also respond to queries about potential donations of books and journals.
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Use the Healey Library Requests Form to request items (books, journals, videos, databases, etc.) for purchase.
- Lydia Burrage-Goodwin
Special Projects Librarian
lydia.burragegoodwin@xiaoneizhi.com - Christine Moynihan
Scholarly Communications, Data, & Affordable Learning Librarian
christine.moynihan@xiaoneizhi.com - Steve Smith
Head of Collections and Scholarly Communications
The Circulation Department assists patrons with barcodes, account questions, picking up or returning borrowed items, and with general information questions.
Circulation is open during regular library hours.
- Marilyn Day
Reference Desk
marilyn.day@xiaoneizhi.com - Rayshawnda Germany-Porter
Evening Circulation Desk Assistant
rs.germanyporter@xiaoneizhi.com - James Lucas
Circulation Department Assistant
james.lucas@xiaoneizhi.com - Ann Marie Shafer
Head of Library Access Services
annmarie.shafer@xiaoneizhi.com - Yvens Boucicaut-Louis
Circulation Assistant Manager
Curriculum Resource Collection
Healey Library's Curriculum Resource Collection (CRC) contains pre K-12 instructional materials (print and electronic) and study space to support the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD). Resources in the CRC are available to all UMass Boston patrons and may be checked out through curbside pickup through the Library Requests Form. For additional information and online resources, see the Curriculum Resource Collection guide.
- For assistance with the Curriculum Resource Collection, please email library.reference@xiaoneizhi.com.
The CRC covers all grade levels and a variety of learning styles in these subject areas: arts, health, history, math, language arts, science, and technology.
Resources include: braille/print books, educational games, fiction and non-fiction, lesson planning material, math manipulatives, math/science kits, multicultural literature, place-based learning materials, and reference books. Additionally, there are online databases and many vetted websites available for educators.
Special Collections
- Children's Award Books: Newbery, Caldecott, Coretta Scott King and Batchelder Medal winners are located at the beginning of the CRC shelves.
- Spanish Resource Center: Spanish and bilingual books for pre K-12
- Early Childhood Assessment: Surveys, rating scales, inventories for evaluation purposes only
Class Visits, Tours, and Library Instruction
Please contact library.reference@xiaoneizhi.com to arrange for a virtual library research workshop. For information about library instruction, see the Library Instruction Program page.
Engagement and Advancement
The Engagement and Advancement department coordinates projects and initiatives related to fundraising, grant writing, and library outreach and engagement.
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Mary Moser
Engagement and Advancement Librarian
Library Administration
The Library Administration Office manages all matters related to finance and personnel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do I place a book or film on reserve for my students to view outside of class?
See instructions for placing an item on reserve. - How do I reserve a film to show to my class?
Complete the form to reserve a film for classroom viewing. - How do I suggest items to be added to the library's collections?
Complete the Library Requests Form. - How do I borrow an article, book, or film that is not in the library's catalog?
We provide borrowing services through other libraries using InterLibrary loan. - How do I make a donation to the Healey Library collections?
See our gift policy for complete details.
- Samantha Regan
Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance
samantha.regan@xiaoneizhi.com - Heidi Moesinger
Business Manager
Library Systems and Discovery Services
Library Systems and Discovery Services (LSDS) supports Healey Library's online services and systems, like UMBrella and access to our databases and electronic resources.
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Yueqing Chen
Head of Library Systems and Discovery Services
yueqing.chen@xiaoneizhi.com - Louisa Choy
Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian
louisa.choy@xiaoneizhi.com - Eunkyung “E.K.” Lee
Discovery & Systems Development Librarian
Resource Sharing and Document Delivery (InterLibrary Loan)
UMass Boston students and staff may use InterLibrary Loan services to borrow or obtain copies of materials currently unavailable in Healey Library's physical or online collections. Sign in to InterLibrary Loan to manage your account.
ILL Return Options
- Circulation Desk
Beginning September 7, 2021, ILL items may be returned at the 2nd Floor Circulation desk - Book Drop Locations
ILL items may be returned in the bookdrops located in the Healey Library Catwalk, and in the Integrated Sciences Compex (ISC) Driveway. - Contact Free Curbside Returns
ILL items may be returned via our Curbside program.
Hours: By appointment Monday through Saturday
Location: Integrated Sciences Complex (ISC) drop-off area - Mail, UPS, FedEx
Please address packages accordingly.
We strongly recommend adding tracking to your package.
Healey Library at UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA, 02125
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.– 4 p.m.
For the fastest response, please send us an email! library.ill@xiaoneizhi.com
- Simone Lopes
InterLibrary Loan Coordinator (borrowing)
library.ill@xiaoneizhi.com - Jenny Moyryla
Head of Resource Sharing & Document Delivery
library.ill@xiaoneizhi.com - Brody Torres
InterLibrary Loan Coordinator (lending)
Office of the University Librarian
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Stephanie Walker
Dean of University Libraries
Stephanie.Walker@xiaoneizhi.com - Vacant
Executive Administrator to the Dean of University Libraries
Reference, Outreach, and Instruction
Healey Library's Reference, Outreach, and Instruction (ROI) team is here to help you:
- with your research
- with any library-related need
- discover new sources
- find answers to all your questions
Virtual Reference Services
Virtual Reference Services are freely available to all users through the Healey Library Ask a Librarian service. Feel free to take advantage of whichever method best meets your needs and preferences:
- Searchable knowledgebase of FAQs
- Online form through which to submit your question if not found in the FAQs
- Direct email message to Reference Librarians through the departmental email address
- Use the chat box for research help. Staffed by librarians from UMass Boston and a nationwide cooperative.
Virtual Research Consultation Services
The consultation services provided by the Healey Library Faculty Librarians offer you personalized, in-depth, hands-on assistance with and instruction in locating and accessing Healey Library’s licensed resources, high-quality open access research materials, and the research resources of other libraries when needed. Research consultations typically last an hour, and more time may be allotted as needed for in-depth projects.
You may sign up online for a Zoom consultation with a Librarian. Research consultations are only available by appointment. If none of the available appointment times work for you, please email library.reference@xiaoneizhi.com to arrange a mutually suitable meeting time.
All library patrons are welcome to sign up for a consultation. If you require an accommodation, such as the use of a screen reader or other assistive technology, please let us know in advance, if possible, so that the librarians may make the necessary arrangements for your meeting. You may also contact the reference librarians at Library.Reference@xiaoneizhi.com with any questions about the electronic accessibility of any of our resources.
Please see our Reference and Research Consultation Services Policies for more information and guidance about the services we provide our patrons.
Library Instruction Services
We created a one-page student guide to library services to add to your syllabi. You can find more information on our library instruction page.
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Adam Cassell
Liaison Librarian
adam.cassell@xiaoneizhi.com - Lucas Hall
Reference & Instruction Librarian
lucas.hall@xiaoneizhi.com - Teresa Maceira
Head of Reference, Outreach, & Instruction
teresa.maceira@xiaoneizhi.com - Lauren Movlai
Reference & Instruction Librarian
lauren.movlai@xiaoneizhi.com - J Troy
Liaison Librarian
Technical Services
Technical Services acquires, catalogs, and manages the processing of all items (print, electronic, digital media, subscriptions, etc.) that will be added to or removed from the Library's collections. Also, we provide reserve materials for students that are selected by faculty members as required or recommended reading for their courses. E-books will be purchased before print copies when available to provide greater accessibility to your students. New materials should be requested via our Library Request Form.
Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
- Cataloging: 617.287.4787 / library.cataloging@xiaoneizhi.com
- Reserves: 617.287.5904 / library.reserves@xiaoneizhi.com
- Francis Alix
Library Acquisitions & Access Coordinator
francis.alix@xiaoneizhi.com - Lisa Romano
Head of Technical Services
Healey Library
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125 US